Thursday, 20 August 2015

Turn to Acne Medicines for Effective Treatment of Acne and Quest for Clear Skin

The long-term condition of the skin that causes pimples and blackhead is known as Acne vulgaris. It is estimated that around 50-80 million people in India suffer from different types of acne problems. The basic cause of acne is the blockage of skin pores due to clogs. Basically, it causes depression, low self-esteem and anxiety in most of the cases of acne in teenagers.  In rare cases, the acne problem has also increased the suicidal tendencies in teenagers.  

It was reported that the formation of acne is largely enhanced due to sudden change in the hormonal activity such as menstrual cycles and puberty. Another possible cause of Acne vulgaris can be due to different types of infections. Some of the bacterial species are responsible for the formation in Acne vulgaris.

One of the most familiar species of anaerobic bacteria that is responsible for Acne vulgaris is Propionibacterium Acnes. In some cases, the case of tobacco products can also cause Acne vulgaris. Leeds acne grading technique, Cook's acne grading scale and Pillsbury scale, are three grading technique used for the purpose of grading the severity of acne infection. 

It is estimated that the changes of Acne vulgaris increases with regular smoking of Cigarette. Some researchers also reported that acne can be caused by psychological stress, but the theory is still highly debatable.

Acne vulgaris can be treated and managed by using different types of medications such as Benzoyl peroxide. In addition to this, different types of a high dose of Topical antibiotics are prescribed by authorized doctors or skin care experts for the treatment of moderate to severe acne problems. Apart from using tropical antibiotics, the doctors can recommend various oral antibiotics in rare cases of inflammatory acne.

Salicylic acid and Azelaic acid are also shown to be effective in managing mild to moderate cases of Acne vulgaris.  In a recent study conducted among a group of women, it was shown that combined oral contraceptive was very effective in the treatment and managing acne problems.

Acne Medicines Buy Online from reliable online drug portal with written prescription provided by authorized doctors. It takes around three to four weeks for the online drug portals to deliver the drug assignments at the patients’ end.  

Oral or tropical Antibiotic Medicine Buy Online from the online drug portal. The antibiotic drugs, offered by the online drug portals, are known for their high effectiveness against gram positive & gram negative bacteria. Due to their longer shelf life and standardized packaging, the antibiotic medicines purchased from online drug portals can be stored for longer period of time.

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