Tuesday 19 April 2016

Skin Care During Acne Treatment

There are various products available in the market for acne treatment.  The antibiotic tablets are there to treat the acne from inside; and the creams are available to give outside treatment.  The treatment of the acne should depend on the severity of the problem.

Acne formation is one of the common problems faced by almost every person in younger days.  This formation is caused by hormones imbalance, which causes increase in production of sebum. This excess sebum leads to blockage of skin pores. The blocked skin pores causes bacterial infection and inflammation.  Although it is seen the teenagers are likely to be more affected by the e acne problem than any other age group persons, the acne can appear in any age.

Face is the most likely target of acne formation but acne can appear on any part of the skin. The person can try home remedies also, before going for over the counter medicines. But the most important things to keep in mind is that, one treatment should be given proper time, before the start of next treatment. Two different treatments must not be taken at the same time, as they will only complicate the problem.

First step is to wash the face or skin with good facial cleansing lotion or peeling. This should be done regularly.  Depending on the nature of the skin, the person can use mild cleansing cream, if there are any irritations occurring on the skin. The person having acne should take care not to squeeze the acne spot. The squeezing Tretinoin gel cream buy online will worsen the infection and can spread it or can make the acne permanent scare. Ladies with makeup must wash the face before going to bed every night. Washing face before bedtime gives breathing space to skin.   Sleeping with makeup at night leads to pores of skin getting clogged and that is h armful for skin.

Changing lifestyle and leaving healthy life with proper eating can lead to glowing skin with less skin related problems. Drinking lot of water keeps skin well nourished and removes toxins from the body. Also eating plenty of fruits and vegetables and avoiding fry and deep fry products can give one relief from skin related problem.  Physical exercises and breathing exercise also have shown the positive results on skin acne conditions. Scientists are also of view that there is link between smoking and acne. Anyone suffering from acne or going through treatment should stop smoking first and include no smoking as part of the acne treatment.

With any treatment, the acne can be cured in 4- 6 months. But if the problem increases, then the person Acne medicines buy online should consult a skin specialist. The doctor will also provide some medicine for oral consumption to cure the acne. The cleaning of skin and not putting hand on the acne spot frequently are the first steps before that start of the treatment, which can prevent worsening of condition of acnes. 

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